Nicecube Website design and development

2015 年 2 月 13 日3950

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

What is Search engine optimisation (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimisation or SEO as it is commonly known, is basically the science of making your website search engine friendly i.e. making your website appear on, ideally, the first page of Google, Yahoo, AOL etc…with the intention of driving more traffic to your website.

All about your competition...

The more competition there is in your business sector the harder it is for users to find you through search engines. For example, it will be much harder to optimise a bed & breakfast website in Galway city than an organic pig farms website in Roscommon. The reason is that the bed & breakfast website has a lot of competitors using pretty much the same type of content whereas the organic pig farm’s website has pretty much the monopoly of organic pig farms in its area. If you can imagine a user looking for accommodation in Galway city, he/she might enter the following search words in Google: “Accommodation in Galway”, the results would present a comprehensive and abundant list of hotels, hostels, bed and breakfasts, guesthouses, camp sites etc…there will be a lot of competition (and money spent) between the bigger hotels, each fighting for the coveted number one listing.

A cost effective alternative.

Nicecube understands that SEO is a science in itself which is best left to an online marketing company. As they can best advise of the various options available such as PPC campaigns, Google Adwords etc... However, we also understand that the smaller business may not have the budget available for a potentially expensive online marketing campaign. So, we have devised an SEO package that could dramatically improve traffic to your website *

Integration with Content Management System (CMS).

We can customise our CMS to allow you to maintain your own metatags (page titles, keywords, description etc...) This means that you can prepare your website for upcoming events, adding a new product or service. For example, on the lead up to the Volvo Ocean race stopover in Galway in June 2009, a number of our tourism clients enquired about a facility whereby they could access and maintain their website metatags. By providing them with this functionality through their CMS they could target certain pages and add Volvo race related keywords. Once the race festival was over they could simply remove the keywords if required.

Benefitting from Social networking .

Social networking is extremely popular at the moment, social media such as YouTube, WordPress, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, IGOpeople give small businesses interesting platforms on which they can communicate with potential customers. It is proven fact that a well maintained blog can really improve your SEO. If you feel that you can add useful articles a few times a month then a blog could prove to be a useful asset.

Want to find out more?

If you would like to find out more about SEO and how Nicecube could help, call us on 091 442 601, skype us on nicecubedesign or email us on

* It is important to note that Nicecube cannot guarantee page listings.

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