Flinders University

2015 年 1 月 10 日1,3460

Basically this should answer the question "why are you researching this area?".

A research project or research program should first be considered in its broadest sense and in terms of the dominant beneficiary of the research output at the conclusion of the research project or research program. A research project or research program is to be allocated to a SEO objective in a hierarchical manner. This is achieved by:

Many R&D projects will be a homogeneous body of work directed towards a specific objective. These are more straightforward to categorise. However, if the project or program is sufficiently large or complex (in terms of research areas) then multiple fields should be selected and attributed with a proportion of resources relative to the project's or program's total R&D expenditure. If the disaggregation is difficult, consideration of relative importance may indicate a primary objective only (whether a specific or more general subject focus).

Where a defined objective cannot be identified within a group for a research project or research program, the 'not elsewhere classified' category at the objective level is to be used.

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