SEO: It Actually Matters

2014 年 12 月 20 日3890

A website is only as valuable as the individuals that visit. Have an event? How about a capital campaign? No matter what the exact goal of your website – it needs to be easy to discover.

Take a moment to test how well your website performs in a Google search. Pick a string of up to three words that encompass the goals of your website and also capture what you think a user would enter to find your services. Be sure to not include any portion of your organization name in your search. Does your site appear on the first page of results…the first ten pages of results…can you even find your site in the results?

The Adcieo team can help you invigorate your website traffic and help you drive results.

Our Search Engine Optimization packages offer:

Let us help you move your website forward with new visitors who want to connect. We can help you launch your SEO or help you with long-term refinement for even stronger results.

Contact Debbie Snyder today for pricing.

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