PHP guestbook script for free

2013 年 9 月 24 日10,7010


Setup a guestbook for your website with this free PHP script. If you want to know what your visitors think about your website this is the perfect guestbook for you.

GBook doesn't require a MySQL database to run. It will process emoticons (smileys), send you an e-mail notification when someone signs your guestbook, you can delete inappropriate messages, manually approve new posts, limit the length of comments, the number of emoticons per post and more. Visitors can even post private guestbook messages that only you can read! This guestbook comes with IP banning, valid XHTML code, a bad words filter that replaces nasty words with * * * and a security switch that prevents flooding (submitting the same message over and over again)!

You can completely customize the look of the guestbook. You can either simply add code to the header and footer or have complete control over the look and feel by modifying the template files.

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