start [PHP Groups]

2013 年 9 月 10 日5990

Table of Contents

PHP Groups Wiki

Welcome to the PHP Groups wiki. I hope we can turn this wiki into a valuable resource with a wealth of information for PHP user group organizers and would-be organizers. Make this a community effort by creating pages and structuring the content in the way you think is best.

About PHP Groups

PHP Groups networks PHP user groups into a tighter community, provides a means to share information and resources among its community members, and aids in the formation of new PHP user groups.

PHP Groups is a communication tool, allowing PHP user group leaders to connect with one another. For now, we provide a mailing list to facilitate this communication. More tools will follow in the future.

Getting started

Start a usergroup (draft): Tips for starting a usergroup

Meet 1 (draft)


Suggestions (draft)

Find a usergroup - Add your group here!

Talk Sources (draft) - Sources for talks you can utilize

Speakers Available

Global Events - PHP events sorted by country

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