页面刷新php实现 — IT技术

2013 年 9 月 9 日5160


帮个朋友做一个点击器开始的,后来逐步完善,再次温习 RFC,尝试用 nc 抓取更标准更有效的 request & response headers。

最后就成了下面的这么一个玩意:(在 PHP.4.3.11, --enable-socket 上测试通过^_^),enjoy


define( 'NL', "\r\n" );

class Transferer


var $mHost;

var $mPort;

var $mRequest;

var $mResponse;

var $mCookies;

var $mParams;

var $mAgent;

var $mError;

function Transferer ( $host = '', $port = 80 )


$this->mHost = '';

$this->mPort = 0;

$this->mRequest = '';

$this->mResponse = '';

$this->mCookies = '';

$this->mParams = '';

$this->mAgent = 'Transferer/1.0 (compatible; Snakevil; ERiW)';

$this->mError = FALSE;

if ( strLen( $host ) && $port )


$this->Open( $host, $port );




function SetAgent ( $agent = '' )


if ( strLen( $agent ) )


// Personal User-Agent.

$this->mAgent = $agent;

return TRUE;


return FALSE;


function Open ( $host = '', $port = 0 )


if ( $this->mError )


return FALSE;


if ( 0 === strPos( $host, 'http://' ) )


// Remove "http://".

$host = subStr( $host, 7 );


if ( strLen( $host ) - 1 === strrPos( $host, '/' ) )


// Remove "/" at last.

$host = subStr( $host, 0, -1 );


if ( ! strLen( $host ) || ! $port )


// No Host or No Port.

return FALSE;


if ( getHostByName( $host ) == $host )


// Invalid Domain.

return FALSE;


$this->mHost = $host;

$this->mPort = $port;

return TRUE;


function Close ()


$this->mError = FALSE;

return TRUE;


function ClearError ()


$this->mError = FALSE;

$this->mResponse = '';

return TRUE;


function AddParam ( $name = '', $value = '' )


if ( ! strLen( $name ) )


// Params Name should have content.

return FALSE;


$name .= '=';

if ( FALSE !== strPos( $this->mParams, $name ) )


// Ignore Exist Param.

return FALSE;


if ( ! is_string( $value ) )


$value = strVal( $value );


$name .= urlEncode( $value );

if ( strLen( $this->mParams ) )


$this->mParams .= '&';


$this->mParams .= $name;

return TRUE;


function Send ( $method = 'get', $uri = '', $fromUrl = '', $updCookie = FALSE )


if ( $this->mError )


return FALSE;


$method = strToUpper( $method );

if ( ! in_array( $method, array( 'GET', 'POST' ) ) )


// HTTP Method should be one in GET or POST.

return FALSE;


$ii = strPos( $uri, '?' );

if ( $ii )


$uri = subStr( $uri, 0, $ii );


$this->mRequest = '';

$this->mResponse = '';

switch ( $method )


case 'GET':

if ( strLen( $this->mParams ) )


$uri .= '?' . $this->mParams;


$this->mRequest = 'GET /' . $uri . ' HTTP/1.1' . NL

. 'Accept: */*' . NL;

if ( strLen( $fromUrl ) )


$this->mRequest .= 'Referer: ' . $fromUrl . NL;


$this->mRequest .= 'Accept-Language: zh-cn' . NL

. 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' . NL

. 'User-Agent: ' . $this->mAgent . NL

. 'Host: ' . $this->mHost . NL

. 'Connection: close' . NL;

if ( strLen( $this->mCookies ) )


$this->mRequest .= 'Cookie: ' . $this->mCookies . NL;


$this->mRequest .= NL;


case 'POST':

$this->mRequest = 'POST /' . $uri . ' HTTP/1.1' . NL

. 'Accept: */*' . NL;

if ( strLen( $fromUrl ) )


$this->mRequest .= 'Referer: ' . $fromUrl . NL;


$this->mRequest .= 'Accept-Language: zh-cn' . NL

. 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' . NL

. 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' . NL

. 'User-Agent: ' . $this->mAgent . NL

. 'Host: ' . $this->mHost . NL

. 'Content-Length: ' . strLen( $this->mParams ) . NL

. 'Connection: close' . NL

. 'Cache-Control: no-cache' . NL;

if ( strLen( $this->mCookies ) )


$this->mRequest .= 'Cookie: ' . $this->mCookies . NL;


$this->mRequest .= NL

. $this->mParams . NL;




$this->mParams = '';

$h_sock = socket_create( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP );

if ( FALSE === $h_sock )


// Fail to Create Socket.

$this->mResponse = socket_strerror( socket_last_error() );

$this->mError = TRUE;


// ::TODO:: Set Write and Read Timeout Here...

$m_result = socket_connect( $h_sock, $this->mHost, $this->mPort );

if ( ! $m_result )


// Fail to Connect to Server.

$this->mResponse = socket_strerror( socket_last_error( $h_sock ) );


$this->mError = TRUE;

return FALSE;


// Send Request Data through TCP Socket.

$m_result = socket_write( $h_sock, $this->mRequest, strLen( $this->mRequest ) );

if ( FALSE === $m_result )


// Fail to Send Request Headers.

$this->mResponse = socket_strerror( socket_last_error( $h_sock ) );


$this->mError = TRUE;

return FALSE;


$m_result = socket_read( $h_sock, 1024, PHP_BINARY_READ );

if ( FALSE === $m_result )


// Fail to Receive Response Headers.

$this->mResponse = socket_strerror( socket_last_error( $h_sock ) );


$this->mError = TRUE;

return FALSE;


$a_data = explode( NL . NL, $m_result );

$this->mResponse = $a_data[0];

if ( $updCookie )


// Regroup Exist Cookies.

$a_cookies = array();

if ( strLen( $this->mCookies ) )


$a_tmp = explode( '; ', $this->mCookies );

for ( $ii = 0, $jj = count( $a_tmp ); $ii < $jj; $ii++ )


$kk = strPos( $a_tmp[$ii], '=' );

$s_name = subStr( $a_tmp[$ii], 0, $kk );

$s_value = subStr( $a_tmp[$ii], $kk + 1 );

$a_cookies[$s_name] = $s_value;



// Check Each Header.

$a_tmp = explode( NL, $this->mResponse );

for ( $ii = 0, $jj = count( $a_tmp ); $ii < $jj; $ii++ )


if ( 0 === strPos( $a_tmp[$ii], 'Set-Cookie: ' ) )


$a_tmp2 = explode( '; ', subStr( $a_tmp[$ii], 12 ) );

$kk = strPos( $a_tmp2[0], '=' );

$s_name = subStr( $a_tmp2[0], 0, $kk );

$s_value = subStr( $a_tmp2[0], $kk + 1 );

$i_now = time();

$i_expires = $i_now + 3600;

if ( isSet( $a_tmp2[1] ) && 0 === strPos( $a_tmp[1], 'expires=' ) )


$i_expires = strtotime( subStr( $a_tmp2[1], 8 ) );


if ( $i_now > $i_expires && isSet( $a_cookies[$s_name] ) )


unset( $a_cookies[$s_name] );


if ( $i_now <= $i_expires )


$a_cookies[$s_name] = $s_value;




// Update Cookies.

$a_tmp = array();

reset( $a_cookies );

while ( list( $s_name, $s_value ) = each( $a_cookies ) )


$a_tmp[] = $s_name . '=' . $s_value;


$this->mCookies = implode( '; ', $a_tmp );


socket_clear_error( $h_sock );

socket_close( $h_sock );

return TRUE;


function GetError ()


if ( ! $this->mError )


return '';


return $this->mResponse;


function GetRequest ()


return $this->mRequest;


function GetResponse ()


return $this->mResponse;


function GetCookies ()


return $this->mCookies;




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