Welcome to Maven for PHP

2013 年 7 月 30 日4050

Welcome to Maven for PHP

PHP-Maven uses the power of Maven 3 for building, reporting on and creating documentations of PHP projects.

It adapts the Maven build lifecycle to the PHP world while fully supporting PHP 5. PHP-Maven uses PHPUnit

for unit testing and phpDocumentor for creating the project documentation.

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Use a PHP library project to create a library that can be used by other PHP libraries or PHP web projects. Use a PHP web project to create

a standalone web project. Or use the several well known frameworks for your project.

Latest stable: 2.0.2

Latest snapshot: 2.0-SNAPSHOT

Getting started

These links will help you getting started with PHP-Maven.

First steps for working with Maven

Migration from PHP-Maven 1.xPHP-Maven Version 1 is no longer supported. Visit this site if you already used PHP-Maven in the past years.

Download Maven 3First, download and install Maven 3.

Learn about MavenHaving finished with Maven installation, learn about the Maven basics.

Then learn about "PHP-Maven".

Additional projects

Getting support

For community users and open sourced:

For companies and closed sourced/ non public support: See the support page for details.


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