Laravel PHP Framework
RESTful Routing
Use simple Closures to respond to requests to your application. It couldn't be easier to get started building amazing applications.
Command Your Data
Ships with the amazing Eloquent ORM and a great migration system. Works great on MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server, and SQLite.
Beautiful Templating
Use native PHP or the light-weight Blade templating engine. Blade provides great template inheritance and is blazing fast. You'll love it.
Ready For Tomorrow
Build huge enterprise applications, or simple JSON APIs. Write powerful controllers, or slim RESTful routes. Laravel is perfect for jobs of all sizes.
Proven Foundation
Laravel is built on top of several Symfony components, giving your application a great foundation of well-tested and reliable code.
Composer Powered
Composer is an amazing tool to manage your application's third-party packages. Find packages on Packagist and use them in seconds.
Great Community
Whether you're a PHP beginner or architecture astronaut, you'll fit right in. Discuss ideas in the IRC chat room, or post questions in the forum.
Red, Green, Refactor
Laravel is built with testing in mind. Stay flexible with the IoC container, and run your tests with PHPUnit. Don't worry... it's easier than you think.