New to PHP confused!

2013 年 7 月 24 日3580

Hi all,

thanks for being here because I could use some help.

I hope this is not a really dumb question, but here goes anyway.

I've recently purchased a PHP scrip for a classifieds ads website for my small local community.

I've never worked with a PHP website script before, and I'm confused, here's my problem. When I logon to my server and view my website files, I do not see any HTML files that I can actually download and work on using Dream Weaver. All files are PHP. When I download and open a PHP files in Dream Weaver, such as the index.php page, there's nothing there to work on other then the PHP script. How the heck can I work on my pages as HTML files so I can ad some pictures and links etc. to the pages?

I know HTML Ok, and I've never had a problem working on my pages before, but If I can't see the actual HTML side of the pages, I can't work on them. What am I missing?

I hope someone here knows what I'm talking about and can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.

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