PHP script for notifying of an update.

2013 年 7 月 19 日4140

PHP script for notifying of an update.

The PHP script’s missing. I need to pull it from a backup. is changing the way they read updates from blogs. Now you need to notify them, by sending an XML-RPC message, that you’ve updated and they need to come by and fetch the update.

To that end, I’ve written a quick and dirty PHP script using the PHP XML-RPC classes from SourceForge.

Copy this to your server, edit the user defined variables, make sure the XML-RPC classes are in your path, save this as .php/.php3 and call the URL when you update.

You should put this in a access controled directory.

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This entry was written by Bill Humphries, posted on September 29, 2001 at 12:00 am, filed under Uncategorized and tagged content-syndication, frontier, PHP, web-logs, whump. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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