PHP form to access multiple pages

2013 年 7 月 18 日3410

I am trying to build a metasearch engine. i need a form which will access three php pages and display the results.

So i have a simple form like so

</head> <body> <h1>alln1(Basic)</h1>

 <form method="POST" action="bing_basic.php">

<label for="service_op">Service Operation</label><br/>

<input type="radio" value="Web" CHECKED />

Web <input type="radio" value="Image" />

Image <br/> <label for="query">Query</label><br/>

<input type="text" size="60" maxlength="60"

value="" /><br /><br /> <input type="submit"

value="Search" /> </form> <h2>Results</h1>


and i need it to access 2 others Simply putting in 2 more

<form method="POST" action="google_basic.php">

<form method="POST" action="faroo_basic.php">

doesen't work(only displays the first action=) but I am looking for something akin to this.

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