Lone Star PHP 2013 Dallas, Texas

2013 年 7 月 8 日4460

PHP Foundations Track - Friday June 28

This year Lone Star PHP will be introducing a new single day track, PHP Foundations. The PHP Foundations track is targetted at people new to PHP or interested in sharpening their skills.

The track takes you from the basics of PHP, PHP Object Oriented PHP, Best Practices for Database Interaction, and Web Forms/Security. Each session is approximately 1 1/2 hours long. What's stopping you from getting started with PHP today?

Open Spaces Track - Saturday June 29

For the first time, Lone Star PHP will be hosting an Open Spaces room during the 2nd day of the conference. Open Spaces is similar to a "Unconference" or a "Birds of a Feather".

During both days of the conference, there will be a board setup for people to sign up for times. An attendee/speaker just has to place a topic in a timeslot. Now people can just show up and discuss the topic. Think of it as a more organized "Hallway Track". We can't wait to hear/interact with all the ideas/topics people come up with!

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