affordable, cheap web hosting

2013 年 7 月 8 日4290

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cheap web hosting

PHP Hosting - Why we are better |

What our clients have to say about us

| Serious uptime guarantee

Our 12th year in business and over 100,000 domains hosted

Free privacy guard and domain theft protection on all orders.

$9.95/month (or $7.97/month with pre-pay) - Hosting ready immediately
Sign up now and begin working on your website in less than two minutes.

Now offering Affordable Virtual Private Servers

Honest hosting: No over-sold servers.

Amazing, Cheap php hosting - Full feature list - developer and designer friendly!

Tired of poor support and slow servers? We are 100% focused on customer satisfaction. Over the past eleven years we've grown as our clients have recommended us to friends and colleagues. We know that our future is built upon the happiness of our clients.

Full feature list - get your geek on!

Get started now - quick and easy. Instant account creation.

Read testimonials and comments

Remember: You get what you pay for. Don't waste time with a web host who offers deep discounts but slow, over-sold servers. Our web hosting service costs a few dollars more because we refuse to compromise our quality. We think you'll agree that paying a few extra cents a day is well worth it. Your website deserves a quality web host.

Sound good? Click here to Sign-up

Questions? Suggestions? Click here, we listen and take action!

You'll love our web hosting or your money back!

Sign up for web hosting now!

Instant setup and 100% risk free

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