unable to view libjpeg , libpng, libXpm modules in phpinfo.php

2013 年 6 月 25 日4300

I have a account on server with libjpeg , libpng, libXpm installed with GD library and they are showing in phpinfo page (php version 5.3.24). It has DSO apache handler..

However I have migrated the account to another server and have all modules installed but they are not showing in phpinfo page (php version 5.2.17).

I have recompiled the modules with gd with the following ...

--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib --with-png-dir=/usr/lib --with-xpm-dir=/usr/lib --with-zlib-dir=/usr/

and ran /script/easyapache..

but still phpinfo does not showing required modules.. is this php version issue or other ?

Can anyone please help me on this urgent ?

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