PHP Cookbook

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The PHP Cookbook is a collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples for PHP programmers. The book contains a unique and extensive collection of best practices for everyday PHP programming dilemmas. It contains over 250 recipes, ranging from simple tasks to entire programs that demonstrate complex tasks, such as printing HTML tables and generating bar charts -- a treasure trove of useful code for PHP programmers, from novices to advanced practitioners.



Chapter 1: Strings

Chapter 2: Numbers

Chapter 3: Dates and Times

Chapter 4: Arrays

Chapter 5: Variables

Chapter 6: Functions

Chapter 7: Classes and Objects

Chapter 8: Web Basics

Chapter 9: Forms

Chapter 10: Database Access

Chapter 11: Web Automation

Chapter 12: XML

Chapter 13: Regular Expressions

Chapter 14: Encryption and Security

Chapter 15: Graphics

Chapter 16: Internationalization and Localization

Chapter 17: Internet Services

Chapter 18: Files

Chapter 19: Directories

Chapter 20: Client-Side PHP

Chapter 21: PEAR



David Sklar; Adam Trachtenberg


Copyright 2003 O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.

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