Update.php always returns No pending updates.

2013 年 5 月 8 日4760

Posted by Mark Vincent Verallo on May 7, 2013 at 2:37pm

Today I realized I need to update some modules and themes so I can be sure I have the latest versions of them and the minimize the bugs I might encounter while developing a site. I followed the proper update/upgrade process in Drupal:

1. replace the module/theme core files;

2. run update.php

When I run update.php today after performing step 1 above, it always says 'No pending updates'. I have expected to see the modules that I intend to update. Those that I uploaded in the server in the appropriate directory. I don't know how could I make Drupal detect the newly uploaded version of a module/theme. I should see them as pending updates.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Posted by VM on May 7, 2013 at 3:14pm

no pending updates indicates that the module in question did not in any way alter the database. This is fairly common in situations where an updated module only made minor code changes for bug fixes and did not alter the database in any way.

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