The Los Angeles PHP Developers Group (LAPHP) (Santa Monica, CA)

2013 年 4 月 8 日3490

Attention! Our official web site will be http://

We are currently building the official web site for our group, but until it is done the URL above will redirect to this meetup page.

Los Angeles PHP Developers Group (LAPHP) is a vibrant community of like-minded web developers who are working with or interested in PHP and related technologies. We are meeting regularly at least once a month for high level talks on the technology topics and to mingle and network together with fellow web developers, technical managers, web entrepreneurs and recruiters. We often host mashup events with our sister groups retaed to other Web technologies, including LA MySQL, LA Semantic Web, LA LAMP, OC PHP and other similar groups.

It is an excellent venue to exchange ideas and talk about code, architecture, innovation, and open source in general. Tell us how PHP based technology is changing the world. Anyone interested in PHP is welcome!

We also help organizing the local startup events and help bringing together developers and web entrepreneurs for possible business opportunities...

Join us at LinkedIn group:

Join us at Facebook: http://

Follow us on Twitter: @laphp (when twitting about us, please use the #laphp tag so that we can track you tweets!)

Follow up on Plancast:


Attention!!! This group is limited to the web developers and internet entrepreneurs in Los Angeles area only. We are determined to keep it as a vibrant community and clean or any kind of junk. Any members posting unrelated links or any kind of spam unrelated to the group activities will be banned from the group.


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