PHP: Getting Help

2012 年 9 月 16 日7540


A good place to start is by skimming through the ever-growing list of frequently asked questions (with answers, of course). Then
have a look at the rest of the online manual and other resources in the documentation section.


Books are convenient resources to begin exploring or extend your
PHP knowledge. There are literally thousands of books available in
English and numerous in other languages. Search at your favourite
online or offline bookstore. You can search at, or
go directly to
and search there.

Mailing Lists

There are a number of mailing lists devoted to talking about PHP and related
projects. This list describes them all, has
links to searchable archives for all of the lists, and explains how to
subscribe to the lists.


The PHP language newsgroup is comp.lang.php, available on any
news server around the globe. In addition to this many of our mailing
lists are also reflected onto the news server at
news:// The
server also has a read only web interface at

Mailing list messages are transfered to newsgroup posts and
newsgroup posts are sent to the mailing lists. Please note
that these newsgroups are only available on this server.

User Groups

Christopher R. Moewes-Bystrom is running a PHP user group registry at
There's also a list of user groups in Germany, as well as news from them,
and link to other countries user groups at

PHP Meetup is another great
opportunity to get together.

Events & Training

A list of upcoming events (such as user group meetings and PHP training
sessions) is included in the right-hand column of the front page, and
on the event calendar page. If you want to list
an upcoming event, just fill out the form on this page.

Sample Code

Instant Resource Center

Otherwise known as IRC or Internet Relay Chat. Here you can usually find
experienced PHP people sitting around doing nothing on various channels with
php in their names. Note that there is no official IRC channel.
Check OFTC or any other major network
DALNet and
freenode). webmasters

If you have a problem or suggestion in connection with the
website or mirror sites
, please
contact the webmasters. If you have problems setting up PHP
or using some functionality, please ask your question on a support
channel detailed above, the webmasters will not answer any such

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