Cheap and reliable PHP hosting solutions

2013 年 3 月 29 日5470

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PHP Hosting

PHP is the most popular programming language and we have collected the best hosting plans supporting it. Take a look at the providers below, read the objective reviews and take your pick. All the php web hosting providers listed at are serious and trustworthy.

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More about PHP hosting

PHP is one of the most commonly used open source programming languages on the Internet and to be able to fully work with it you need a web host supporting this language. Most web hosts offer some kind of affordable PHP hosting using the LAMP structure.

Originally PHP stood for Personal Home Page but now, after a lot of changes on the web, it stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. As mentioned is open source which in this case means that it is free to use. All of the commands are executed on the server side and they are written in HTML. A large number of the dynamic websites are written in PHP and the language comes with a great deal of applications.

If you know and understand Perl and C you will find PHP easy as it was adapted from these scripting languages. Although, we must say that a lot experience is not all that necessary as PHP is fairly easy to pick up. A good thing to mention is that many of the components that you will use for PHP are free.

There are however a couple of minor "issues" that might cause problems when working with PHP. With more than 3,000 commands can it at times be somewhat confusing and PHP does not allow you to detect and clean up bugs and nonsense data put in by a hacker. Crashes can also occur since PHP extensions are not compatible with some Web Server software.

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