PHP Image Resizer

2013 年 2 月 23 日3000

Please check the TimThumb Technical Support Price List for help with getting TimThumb to work on your server.

TimThumb is a simple, flexible, PHP script that resizes images. You give it a bunch of parameters, and it spits out a thumbnail image that you can display on your site.

TimThumb has seen a massive amount of use across the WordPress world, and a few months after we released it, I took over development from Tim, a friend of Darren Hoyts, who created the original script. Since I took over there have been a whole host of changes, bug fixes, and additions.

I set up this page to act as an archive/ resource, showing the best documentation and demos available for TimThumb. If you have any TimThumb related articles then please feel free to send them over to me so that I can add them to the list.

Articles about TimThumb

How to use TimThumb

General TimThumb Information

Below are some of the articles I have written about TimThumb.

TimThumb Links

The latest version of TimThumb is available on Google Code.

Submit a bug/ improvement on the Google Code Issues page

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