MooTools, Dojo Consultant

2013 年 2 月 12 日5290

The Blog

Welcome to my blog. I write about , HTML5, CSS, PHP, and more. I tweet too.


I work for Mozilla. I get to dress up the Mozilla Developer Network and Mozilla Marketplace.


Script & Style

Script & Style features the web's best original JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5 blog posts.


I'm a member of the MooTools team. I've written hundreds of MooTools tutorials.

(The Latest)

CSS ScopedStyles

Written by David Walsh on February 11, 2013

There are plenty of awesome new attributes we've gotten during the HTML5 revolution: placeholder, download, hidden, and more. Each of these attributes provides us a different level of control over an element on the page, but there's a new element attribute that allows control over several elements: scoped. The style element's scoped attribute allows developers to apply styles to only the host element and descendant elements — a new level of control that CSS hasn't seen in several years.

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Firefox OS Manifest .htaccessHandler

Written by David Walsh on February 7, 2013

Want to know one of the secrets why Firefox OS is so incredibly awesome? If you've created your website correctly, i.e. using CSS media queries (responsive design) and JavaScript feature detection, you can simply add an app.manifest file at the root of your domain and you've instantly created a Firefox OS app! Of course you'll then want to list your app in the Firefox Marketplace. The most frequent problem developers run into is with their app.manifest file not being served correctly. With an update to the .htaccess file of the hosted app, that problem can go away!

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6 Things You Didn’t Know About FirefoxOS

Written by David Walsh on February 6, 2013

Firefox OS is all over the tech news and for good reason: Mozilla's finally givenweb developers the platform that they need to create apps the way they've been creating them for years — with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Firefox OS has been rapidly improving, adding features and APIs to provide device control and other standard mobile functionality. Much is not known about Firefox OS, however, and here are a few items you may find interesting!

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Install Firefox OS Apps on AnyDomain

Written by David Walsh on February 5, 2013

The app store models we've grown up with suck: you have to install apps from within those stores. With iOS you go to a site, they provide a link to install their app, and you get swapped from the browser to the App store. What an awful user experience. The brilliant minds at Mozilla have found the solution to this annoying problem: an installation system via the browser. Let me show you how you can install your Firefox app outside of the Firefox Marketplace.

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$100 Off W3Conf DiscountCode!

Written by David Walsh on February 4, 2013

W3Conf is quickly approaching and if you haven't considered going, you're crazy you really should. The speaker line-up is full of legends: Lea Verou, Eric Meyer, my favorite Mozillian, Janet Swisher, and more. You may also bump into well-known developers Chris Coyier, Jacob Thornton, Nicole Sullivan, and many more. If you haven't registered yet, there's now a better reason to go: a cheaper ticket!

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