PHP Tutorials

2012 年 9 月 13 日8690

Date Title Author Hits

BCD, Zend Extend PHP Partnership

Terri Wells 1952

Business Computer Design International (BCD) and Zend Technologies partnered to improve the usability of their PHP solutions for businesses using the IBM i operating system.


PHP FAQ Highlight

James Payne 2626

Looking for quality answers to some frequently asked PHP questions? Want to know what security precautions you should take or how best to program a secure login system? Look no further.


PHP Creator Didn't Set Out to Create a Language

Terri Wells 4663

If you've ever been frustrated by PHP, even as you use it every day to create web applications, consider this: the language's creator himself admits that he didn't really set out to create a language. He had much more modest goals in mind.


PHP Trends Revealed in Zend Study

Terri Wells 3614

PHP is becoming the language of the Cloud. That should surprise no one who's been paying attention, of course, but Zend actually has proof. Its Zend Developer Pulse study polled more than 3,000 PHP developers on their use of emerging technologies and trends in PHP development practices. The growth of PHP for applications hosted in the Cloud was just one of many interesting findings.


PHP: Best Methods for Running Scheduled Jobs

James Payne 4761

One of the users at the Dev Shed forums is searching for the best method to run scheduled jobs in PHP. A few people have chimed in, but we would like to hear your opinion.


PHP Array Functions: array_change_key_case

TheloniusFunk 5495

In this programming tutorial you will learn how to use the PHP array function array_change_key_case to manipulate data stored in your arrays.


PHP array_combine Function

TheloniusFunk 4581

In this programming tutorial you will learn how to work with the PHP array_combine function, which allows you to combine arrays into a single array.


PHP array_chunk Function

TheloniusFunk 5196

In this programming tutorial, you will learn how to work with the PHP array_chunk function.


PHP Closures as View Helpers: Lazy-Loading File Data

Alejandro Gervasio 16397

In this second part of a two-part tutorial, you'll learn how to use closures in the development of an extendable template system. This system can be customized at will without struggling too much, thanks to the number of interfaces that it implements.


Using PHP Closures as View Helpers

Alejandro Gervasio 37823

In this first part of a two-part tutorial, I develop a basic template system that can parse any type of closure assigned as a property of its view object(s).


PHP File and Operating System Program Execution Functions

Apress Publishing 10224

In this conclusion to an eight-part article series on working with a computer's file and operating system with PHP, you'll learn about the functions used in combination with a PHP script to execute system-level programs. This article is excerpted from chapter 10 of the book Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL 8: From Novice to Professional, written by W. Jason Gilmore and Robert H. Treat (Apress; ISBN: 1590595475).


PHP: Effects of Wrapping Code in Class Constructs

Alejandro Gervasio 23498

In this first part of a two-part tutorial, I use a somewhat contrived example to show why you should avoid coding static helper classes in PHP.


PHP: Building Concrete Validators

Alejandro Gervasio 19546

In this two-part tutorial, I show why the use of static helper classes can be detrimental to building robust and scalable object-oriented applications in PHP (though you should take into account that the concept is language agnostic). I also implement a set of instantiable, fine-grained validators, which can be easily tested in isolation, injected into the internals of other objects, and so forth.


Sanitizing Input with PHP

Apress Publishing 26985

In this seventh part of an eight-part article series on using PHP commands with your file and operating systems, you'll learn how and why to sanitize user input. This article is excerpted from chapter 10 of the book Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL 8: From Novice to Professional, written by W. Jason Gilmore and Robert H. Treat (Apress; ISBN: 1590595475).


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