PHP Nanomus Mini CMS without database

2012 年 12 月 16 日3830

Nanomus is one of the smallest, fastest and more simple free Content management Systems under GPL GNU.

Nanomus doesn't use any database, but flatfile system.
Standards compliance is an especially important requirement when choosing a content management system, Nanomus is full XHTML Strict, UTF-8, tableless and use URL Friendly.
And you can create your own template only with the CSS file !

It's very small, very simple, really easy to use and fastest.

Nanomus integrate Nicedit wysiwyg and it's possible to replace it by FCKeditor, all these wysiwyg are supported by IE, Firefox and Opera.

PHP Nanomus is:
. Very small : the complete content management system is less than 100kb, PHP core is less 23 ko
. Very simple : really simple to install and really easy to manage it. Nanomus store all datas in secure PHP files, no database is required. With Nanomus you have a real small dynamic website !
. Really fast: with nanomus your website is really light and fast !
. CMS SEO compliant

Existings languages: dutch, english, french, german, hungarian, serbian

New Nanomus Mobile for SmartPhones, PDA and mobiles phones
Since January 21, 2010, a special version called Mobile Nanomus especially designed for small screens is downloadable!

Create your small website for mobile in a few clicks ... without database!

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