纭淇濆畨鍏 PHP瀹樻柟寤鸿鎵鏈変汉鍗囩骇鍒癙HP5.3.1

2023 年 7 月 18 日1820

璇ョ増鏈涓昏佹槸鎻愬崌浜 PHP5.3 鐨勭ǔ瀹氭э紝淇澶嶄簡涓浜涘畨鍏ㄦ紡娲炲拰bug锛

Added "max_file_uploads" INI directive, which can be set to limit the number of file uploads per-request to 20 by default, to prevent possible DOS via temporary file exhaustion.
Added missing sanity checks around exif processing.
Fixed a safe_mode bypass in tempnam().
Fixed a open_basedir bypass in posix_mkfifo().
Fixed failing safe_mode_include_dir.
PHP鍥㈤槦寤鸿鎵鏈塒HP浣跨敤鑰呭崌绾ц嚦PHP 5.3.1銆



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