One PHP IDE HTML5 Editor & Web Editor
PHP IDE / PHP editor
Combine PHP5, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript into one editor! Code insight with support for OOP and namespace! Debug and profile PHP scripts with Xdebug!
HTML5 editor
Integrated HTML editor with syntax highlighting, code completion, missing tag suggestion, matching tag highlighting and more.
CSS3 editor
Integrated CSS editor - syntax highlighters, code completion, formatter and more.
JavaScript editor
Full-featured integrated JavaScript editor - syntax highlighting, code completion, code insight frameworks, formatter, minifier and more.
Simplify coding with both PHP and JavaScript frameworks like Zend, Yii, CodeIgniter, Sympfony, CakePHP, jQuery, MooTools etc.
Work directly on your server. Just hit the save button and your work is automatic saved back to the server.
Integration with Git the distributed version control and source code management tool.
Intuitive User Interface
What learning curve? The philosophy behind is to make it, enjoyable to code for hours through an easy-to-use-, intuitive- and customizable workspace. It