an interactive shell for php

2018 年 7 月 24 日1960

phpsh -- An interactive shell for php

phpsh is an interactive shell for php that features readline history, tab completion, quick access to documentation. It was developed at Facebook and ironically, is written mostly in python. It is open source and released under a modified BSD license.

If you don't have --with-readline and --with-libedit compiled into your PHP binary but you do have Python2.4 installed, you may find this useful. If your PHP binary includes the readline module, you may prefer one of the pure PHP alternatives you can find by searching the Internet.

The source code for phpsh is now available on github at


If you use git, you can clone the source repository by doing:

git clone git://

You can also download a snapshot of the latest version as either a zip or gzipped tarball.


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by Dan Corson and Charlie Cheever

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