PHP binding

2018 年 1 月 8 日2600

Table of Contents

Source Code


Build and installation

You will first need to install the MQ (2.1.x or higher recommended)


Then obtain the php bindings for 0MQ - these work with PHP 5.2.x and above.

Building via PEAR

The extension can be built via PECL.

sudo pecl install zmq-beta

You may have to add the extension to your php.ini with this line:

Building from Github

git clone git://

and cd to the directory:

$ cd php-zmq

Next, run phpize to generate configure script and run the configure command:

phpize && ./configure

Tip: If you are using php installed from your distribution's package manager the 'phpize' command is usually in php-dev or php-devel package

Finally install the package by running:

$ make && make install

You may have to run this last commands with sudo.

Finally add the following line to your php.ini:


If you are using PHP 5.4.x and/or using PHP-FPM, you will need to add a zmq.ini file in /etc/php5/conf.d:

Add the following:

Restart PHP-FPM with

sudo /etc/init.d/php5-fpm restart


Download the latest snapshot from http://

General documentation: http://

Test Suite

The test suite can be run using:

$ make test

Bug Reporting

If you encounter problems please fill a bug report at:


or write an e-mail to:

mkoppanen (at) php dot net

Mailing List

Discussions about this language binding take place on the general zeromq-dev list.

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