A Free PHP Topsites Script

2012 年 11 月 7 日1,0700

A Free PHP Topsites Script

A topsites list ranks a group of related sites by popularity. Webmasters join the topsites list and are given a button to put on their site and link back to the topsites list. Aardvark Topsites PHP is a free topsites script built on PHP and MySQL. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License so it will always remain completely free. Its functionality compares favorably with other free and commercial scripts, including these key features:


Counts pageviews, hits in, and hits out

Stats for individual members and overall stats for the entire list are easily accessible


Robust anti-cheating protection

A security question, CAPTCHA, and other layers of protection thwart spambots

Easy to use and customize

Cool, innovative features

Members' ranks can be shown on their buttons, along with any other stat

SEO-friendly links make your topsites list rank higher in Google and other search engines

You can see a more complete list of features, but why don't you just go ahead and download the script now? It's free, so you might as well try it.

If you're looking for other scripts I've written, such as Click Manager and old versions of Aardvark Topsites, go to the other scripts page.

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