The Seattle PHP Meetup Group (Seattle, WA)

2012 年 11 月 2 日6370

Welcome to the Seattle PHP Meetup/Users Group!

This group meets the first Thursday of each month to sharpen skills, network with other PHP developers in the area, learn new ideas & technologies, and laugh. Check the Meetups->Upcoming tab for upcoming topics and location (we've met in the same place for years).

We also use the email list (Discussions->Mailing List) for PHP/development conversations. You'll find lots of people usually providing quick insights/solutions/ideas to whatever you put out there. Lots of folks set their "Mailing List" option to "As they are sent" (at http:// because there is little-to-no worthless banter because...

Lastly, we use the message boards (Discussions->Message Board) for jobopportunities. You'll find jobs offered by recruiters, other Meetup folks, etc. there.

If you have any ideas, please use the Ideas tab! If you have any questions, feel free to ask ANY (or all of the co-organizers) by using the Email icons/links at http://

Also, as of 2011 March, Joel Simpson has donated a group wiki for all to use. Register and immediately be able to contribute (write access). Lots of resources and current projects.


Feel free to engage in the Meetups, the email list, post jobs on the discussion boards, and interact on the wiki!

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