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评论: 【互动】雨天邂逅自己人~

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Guest post at 2016-7-31 03:35:25

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Guest post at 2016-7-12 16:13:27

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Guest post at 2016-7-05 08:08:06

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Guest post at 2016-6-18 06:15:40

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Guest post at 2016-6-15 03:31:47

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Guest post at 2016-5-29 08:57:37

  他是副厅级巡视员,   跟国家领导人有亲戚关系,   去西方考察访问,   他只带3个随从,   从来不用警车开道,   也不用公款吃喝,   有时甚至要去讨饭。   3个随从觉得太清苦,时常闹着要辞职。   他在西方考察多年,见过多位外国元首,   成绩很大,回国后也没要求升官,   一辈子教书育人,死后没任何家产。   他是谁?   猜猜看~   猜不出来往下看~   他~   就~   是~   唐僧!


Guest post at 2016-4-18 23:33:05

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Guest post at 2016-1-24 16:50:40

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Guest post at 2015-12-20 16:07:04

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Guest post at 2015-12-04 19:05:29

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Guest post at 2015-11-25 19:01:28

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Guest post at 2015-11-24 22:23:41

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Guest post at 2015-11-23 16:49:21

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Guest post at 2015-11-08 19:40:40

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