PEAR – PHP Extension and Application Repository

2012 年 10 月 21 日6460

PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository

» What is it?

PEAR is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components.

Sounds good? Perhaps you might want to know about installing PEAR on your system or installing pear packages.

You can find help using PEAR packages in the online manual and the FAQ.

If you have been told by other PEAR developers to sign up for a PEAR website account, you can use this interface.

» Hot off the Press

What would you do with 5 million lines of code?

Since October 2011, 5 million lines of the PEAR codebase has shifted to github.

Hand in hand with this shift has been the tireless work of Daniel C – someone who brazenly said “I will fix the failing packages!” in the tail end of last year.

Coupling his efforts with a call to arms, we’ve now seen an evaluation of the Known Good packages against PHP 5.4, and massive input by the community. The net result is as follows:

I’d like to thank Daniel C for his efforts to date, as well as the contributors who may have previously lurked or found themselves distracted by other concerns.

Dec/Jan has been a great and vigorous period for the project – I heartily look forward to a great 2012.

24th Jan 2012 02:05pm. Read more or see

Welcome to new contributors

With the PEAR move to github surpassing 200 repositories, we’re seeing more contributions from folks lurking in the shadows.

In particular I’d like to highlight the efforts ofmeldra andGemorroj.

With XML_Feed_Parser hosted on github, Meldra has been able to provide all of the patches that have been sitting in the wings internally back to PEAR, with no fuss.

Faced with a backwards compability requirement on Image_Barcode, Gemorrojcontributed heavily to an Image_Barcode2.

Having watched these two individuals over the last few weeks provide new vigour and input to some of our underloved packages, I’d like to put a challenge out to the community.

If you have a patch we have pushed back on because of backwards compatibility concerns, talk to us about making the next significant version of that package – we’ll get the code on github and help you get what you need.

No red tape. No run around. Just a solution to your problem by creating an appropriate fork, and a new major version to avoid any BC concerns.

If you have fixes for defects or enhancements being used within your organisation – send us a pull request.

Where there isn’t source available on github yet – ask for it.

PEAR is about providing the PHP community with reusable, effective components – this has been our mission since day 1.

If there is anything we can do to make that goal happen, to assist you as an individual or company, I would strongly encourage you to let us know – we’re here to help.

18th Dec 2011 11:54am. Read more or see

PEAR Development on Github

Like many other projects, many components of PEAR have started a migration to github.

We have two primary organisations set up for PEAR and PEAR2.

While the existing PEAR packages will continue to use the distribution and bug tracking capabilities; it’s never been easier to contribute to a PEAR package – simply fork; add your changes and send us a pull request.

If your preferred packages aren’t yet on github, please feel free to drop us a line on the pear-dev mailing list.

6th Nov 2011 12:52am. Read more or see

PEAR Community

Need help?

You can find help and support on our mailing lists, and IRC channel

Our developers are also on LinkedIn, Ohloh, Twitter, or Facebook, as well as the wiki.

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