Open Source Social Networking Platform.

2014 年 11 月 20 日5800


Elgg runs on a combination of the Apache web server, MySQL database system and the PHP interpreted scripting language. This is the most popular web server environment in the world.

Due to Elgg's advanced functionality, there are some extra configuration requirements:

The Apache web server needs to be installed with the following modules:

PHP 5.2+ needs to be installed as an Apache module (not in CGI mode or safe mode) with the following libraries:

It is recommended that you increase the memory available to PHP threads beyond the standard 8 or 12M, and increase the maximum uploaded filesize (which defaults to 2M). By default, these settings have been set for you in the .htaccess file in the base Elgg directory.

Elgg is a leading open source social engine.

Elgg is an Elgg Foundation project.

"Elgg" and the Elgg logo are registered trademarks of Curverider Limited.

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