近亲乱伦-義弟欲望弟弟强暴内射嫂子影音PHP: mysql

2014 年 10 月 26 日11,9750

近亲乱伦-義弟欲望弟弟强暴内射嫂子影音PHP: mysql

时间:2014-10-18 16:25来源:网络整理 作者:web 点击:


One of the most common mistakes that people make with this function, when using it multiple times in one script, is that they forget to use the mysql_data_seek() function to reset the internal data pointer. When iterating through an array

One of the most common mistakes that people make with this function, when using it multiple times in one script, is that they forget to use the mysql_data_seek() function to reset the internal data pointer.

When iterating through an array of MySQL results, e.g.

the internal data pointer for the array is advanced, incrementally, until there are no more elements left in the array. So, basically, if you copy/pasted the above code into a script TWICE, the second copy would not create any output. The reason is because the data pointer has been advanced to the end of the $line array and returned FALSE upon doing so.

If, for some reason, you wanted to interate through the array a second time, perhaps grabbing a different piece of data from the same result set, you would have to make sure you call

This function resets the pointer and you can re-iterate through the $line array, again!



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