Mailing Lists

2014 年 9 月 6 日6820

Mailing Lists

There are many PHP-related mailing lists available on our server.

Most of them are archived, and all of them are available as newsgroups

on our news server. You can search

some mailing lists right from this website from the

search page or by using the search input box selecting the

appropriate option on the top-right of every page.

There is an experimental web interface for the news server at

http://, and

there are also other archives provided by



The PHP team maintains an official account on twitter,

@official_php, for those

interested in following news and other announcements from the PHP project.

Mailing List Posting guidelines

When posting to mailing lists or newsgroups, please keep the following in mind:

Use a valid email address. Every new poster's email address

is checked for validity through confirmation.

Send plain ASCII messages, no HTML-formatted emails please.

Turn on word wrapping so your entire message doesn't show up on

a single line.

Be sure to click Reply-All to reply to list. Clicking

Reply will email the author of the message privately.

No attachments please, just post a URL if you want someone to

look at something.

Don't GPG/PGP sign your messages. If you want people to be able

to send you encrypted email, stick your key-locator in your signature

Don't hijack other peoples' threads. To post on a new topic, start

a new message, don't reply and just change the subject.

Check the archives before posting a question, chances are it has

already been asked and answered a few times.

When asking a question, don't just tell us, "it doesn't work".

Tell us what you are trying to accomplish, a short code

snippet showing how you tried to solve it, what you expected to get and

what you got instead.

And make sure you have read our

Mailinglist Rules.

You will be sent a confirmation mail at the address you wish to

be subscribed or unsubscribed, and only added to the list after

following the directions in that mail.

Warning: The PHP users mailing list gets close to 1500-2000

messages per month currently. Do the math. That translates to about 60

messages per day. If your mailbox can't handle this sort of traffic you

might want to consider subscribing to the digest list instead (two messages

per day), using the news server, or reading the mailing list using the


Mailing list options

All of the mailing lists hosted at are managed using the ezmlm-idx mailing list software.

There are a variety of commands you can use to modify your subscription.

Either send a message to (as in, or you can view the commands for

ezmlm here.

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