Learn PHP the easy way

2014 年 9 月 2 日3540

Welcome to PHPbuddy this site is designed to help you learn PHP programming here

you will find high quality PHP articles, Quick Start PHP tutorials and scripts that will help to you learn PHP quickly.

PHP Quick Start

If you are new to PHP and wonder what the heck is PHP this section PHP Quick Start (PHP tutorials) is for you!

Introduction to PHP A brief Introduction about PHP, Comparing PHP with ASP

Your First PHP code We will write first PHP code, this section also covers basic PHP syntax, including variable usage.

Adding Logic with PHP Introducing the if else construct, while loops and other control loops that will help add logic to your code.

Introducing FORMS Introduction to FORMS and how to pass information from one page to other

Working with Database In this section you will learn how to make PHP work with databases.

PHP Installation

If you haven

Installing Configuring PHP Here we will be showing you how to Install PHP / IIS web-server and how to configure your web server to work with PHP

Installing MySQL Database Configuring Mysql on your web server and commands to create databases, adding users creating password.

PHP Articles

This section contains PHP related articles

Encrypting data with PHP PHP provides us with an interesting array of security-oriented functionality, In this article I'll introduce you to this functionality, providing you with a basis from which you can begin incorporating security enhancements into your own applications.

Encrypting and protecting your PHP code In this article we will discuss how you can protect your PHP source code from prying eyes so that you can make applications and distribute them without worrying about someone stealing or modifying your PHP code.

PHP and Cookies In this article we will discuss about cookies and how to make cookies work with PHP

PHP Sessions In this article we will discuss what are Sessions and how to work with sessions in PHP.

PHP File Uploads In this article we will show you how simple it is to upload File from the browser.

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PHP Scripts

Here you will find PHP code snippets / Scripts

Auto Password / Unique id Generation You might have come across sites, that generate a unique username or a randomly generated password for you, this script show you how to do the same with PHP.

Detecting a Proxy Server Many ISP / Users use Proxy server, this simple script detects the if a users is using a proxy server to connect to your website.

Simple Password protection using PHP Use this simple script to password protect your pages, Ideal for password protecting Administrative parts or sensitive parts of your web site.

Fighting Ad-Blocking Software These days many users are installing Ad-Blocking software, this script detect if your users are using ad blocking / web strippers and stops that page and ask them to stop there blocking software to access your site.

Online Users You must have seen on some sites displaying the number of users online, this scripts exactly does that it displays number of users currently browsing your site.

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PHP SessionsSimple Ad RotatorStoring Binary Data in MySQL DatabasesPHP and CookiesPHP File Uploads

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