PHP Sources Snapshots

2013 年 12 月 4 日5730

Snapshot Builds

You can find the latest development sources

packages for PHP 5, and master here. Source code is

checked out of Git and packaged every 2 hours.

These packages are NOT intended for

production use; please use the packages at

PHP downloads.

URL shortcuts: Downloading the latest snapshot for specific PHP branches is easy.

Example URLs:

http:// (latest 5.3 snap),

http:// (latest master snap), and

URLs like php-master-latest.tar.bz2 also


Next snapshot

PHP 5.3 Source in
50 minutes
PHP 5.4 Source in
50 minutes
PHP 5.5 Source in
50 minutes
PHP 5.6 Source in
50 minutes
PHP master Source in
50 minutes
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