Repeat PHP code

2013 年 11 月 19 日4850

Building on other answers, here's how to do the loop and hit the database only once.

$query = "INSERT INTO downloads (downloadkey, file, expires) VALUES ";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultstwo)) {

$strKey = createKey();

$time = time()+(60*60);

$query .= "('{$strKey}', '{$row['filename']}', {$time}),";

echo "<a href='download.php?key=$strKey'>{$row['caption']}</a>";


$query = substr ( $query, 0, -1 ); // Remove the last comma.

mysql_query ( resDB, $query );

The end result of the query will be something like:

INSERT INTO downloads (downloadkey, file, expires) VALUES 

('adfsdfgsdgs', 'Bladerunner.avi', 12345678),

('dfghfyadfsg', 'How_I_met_your_mother.avi', 12345678),

('34t34t3t', 'Simpson_the_movie.avi', 12345678),

('taert43te', '{$row['filename']}', 12345678),

('at43t3t', '{$row['filename']}', 12345678),

This will insert all the values into mysql using this one query only.

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