Chris Shiflett

2013 年 11 月 18 日5290

Web Craftsmanship & Commentary

Nov 2013

Web Advent 2013

In 2007, overwhelmed with my jealousy of the Perl community's awesome Advent calendar, I decided PHP needed one, too. Of course, this thought didn't occur to me until the very end of November. Nonetheless, tha…

Apr 2013

Dark Patterns

Dark patterns have been around for a couple of years, but it seems like the concept is gaining steam lately. It’s normal for design (and copy) to try to modify behavior, but with more and more frequency,…

Mar 2013

Ideas of March

I wasn’t going to write about Ideas of March this year. I wasn’t even sure it was an idea worth spreading last year. It’s important to me, but I’m struggling to blog as often as I’…

XSS Is Still Tricky

This works in Safari, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera.

<!DOCTYPE html>


<title>Oh no!</title>

<script type="text/javascript">

var xss = "</script><script&gt…

Jan 2013

2012 Highlights

This is the tenth consecutive year that I’m recording highlights of the prev


ious year. That’s quite a milestone. At the end of August, I will have ten full years of blog posts. A decade of blogging…

Dec 2012

PHP Advent Renamed to Web Advent

This is just a quick post to explain why Sean and I decided to rename PHP Advent to Web Advent. If you're a PHP developer, you might suddenly feel left out or think we've moved on.

We're just adjusting the …

Nov 2012

Election Coverage

More and more people rely on the Internet rather than broadcast television for coverage of events like the election, but it still feels like we're in an awkward transition period. Here are the links for live e…

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