Welcome to the Month of PHP Security

2013 年 10 月 16 日4950

Welcome to the Month of PHP Security

May 1st, 2010

We welcome you to the Month of PHP Security 2010. This initiative continues the effort of Hardened-PHP’s Month of PHP Bugs from 2007 to improve the security of PHP and the PHP ecosystem. During the Month of May 2010 we will post every day at least one new vulnerabilities in PHP and one new vulnerability in a PHP applications. In addition to that every other day we will post an article about a PHP security topic or a new PHP security tool. Among these articles and tools are those that were submitted to us during the Month of PHP Security CFP.

We also want to use this initial announcement to thank our sponsors again that made this event possible. Thank you SyScan 2010, thank you SektionEins GmbH and thank you Codescan Ltd..

We hope you will enjoy the Month of PHP Security and maybe even learn a few new things from the posted content.

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