Directives Standards

2012 年 9 月 20 日9620

How to read the table

Directive number

texts of directives and regulations available on the website of the European Union (*)

Information about directive

information on directives and regulations available on the website of the European Commission's Enterprise Directorate-General

Info on European standards

information on standards and standards activities available on the websites of the European Standards Organisations

Harmonised standards cited in the Official Journal

lists of references of harmonised standards published in the Official Journal of the European Union, are available on the website of the European Commissions Entreprise Directorate-General

(*)The text of the corresponding directives are available in all official Community
languages at
on the EUR-Lex site. For legal purposes, please refer to the texts published in the
Official Journal of the European Union. Only European Union legislation published
in the paper editions of the Official Journal is deemed authentic.

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