ASP PHP fail..

2013 年 8 月 16 日4,1320

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User #546155 3 posts


I'm new here, please be nice


thought I'd share my recent woes with Netregistry and perhaps get a sanity check.

My customer's main website is written in good old classic ASP which obviously requires windows hosting. But they wanted to use wordpress for their little blog section.
I checked out netregistry and their offerings here:

I suggested the Business + cloud hosting package would appear to be the right choice as it clearly shows it supports .asp and .php5, MS-SQL and MySQL (see the scripting technologies section in the second column and the big green ticks next to asp and php5).
Their main .asp site was setup and runs fine, I then went to install wordpress and it didn't recognise .php .. I contacted their support and they tell me they can't run .asp an .php on the same server – it's one or the other but not both.
I am aware that traditionally you would run .asp on IIS and .php on an apache / linux server – but several other hosting companies run .asp and .php on IIS (eg webcentral, AussieHQ / Uber).
Netregistry fail to see my point of view, that while I understand they may not want to offer both at the same time, their marketing page (plan comparison page) clearly shows they do.. they argue that no where does it say they offer both at the same time, I argue that they do on their plan comparison page & many if not most other hosting companies run php on their windows servers.

I have moved the hosting to AussieHQ and it's all working fine there, asp & php at the same time, MS-SQL and MySQL.. all in the one service. I must say I do prefer AussieHQ (uber).. their service is generally excellent.

As the web developer for this customer, I have offered to cover the AussieHQ hosting fees so the client isn't stung with double hosting & it was my recommendation to use the Netregistry Business+ package based on their plan comparison page.
Am I right? Is this a misrepresentation of their offering?
I will attempt to get a refund, but I don't hold much hope as they continue to show they are not seeing my point of view and tell me I am being dramatic.

What is your opinion?

as a side note, I found strange issues with Netregistry hosting with their caching. If I make a change to a page and upload it, then refresh my browser to check the change, it never shows the change straight away, I generally have to refresh twice or wait 5-10 minutes.. I haven't experienced that issue with other hosting.. not critical but very frustrating to work with.



posted 2013-Aug-15, 9am AEST

User #214834 494 posts


Forum Regular

dylanhf writes...

What is your opinion?

I'd stick with what works for what you need and are trying to do.

Looking at the page you've linked it does seem a little strange, Linux and Windows are ticked in the same column which may give the impression that you can get both, whereas it's most likely an either/or scenario. The same likely goes for PHP/ASP under this section.


posted 2013-Aug-15, 9am AEST

User #77347 5703 posts


Whirlpool Forums Addict

I can see the confusion in that page but at the same time I've seen similar before in terms of what is supported overall.

Whilst it doesn't say "all environments supported under both linux and Windows" I can see why you read it that way. Maybe it just needs an additional note in the popup if they're not both available together and which platform it works with if not both.


posted 2013-Aug-15, 11am AEST

User #546155 3 posts


I'm new here, please be nice

I agree, to be honest when I looked at that page I all was looking for was if it supported the things I needed, I see a green check next to PHP, ASP and a few other bits I needed.. bingo.. looks good sign up.
I think if you're going to throw a green check mark next to something and it may not be included you have to qualify that with * and a note, a popup box.. more info.. something.. otherwise it's just a useless list of check marks and crosses that may or may not mean anything.
If they had put in a note or something & I hadn't read it.. my bad.. if it's something that I should have known like PHP will NEVER run alongside ASP then I should brush up my knowledge.. but I know that you can routinely run these together on one server and every other hosting company I use does so I don't think I'm misinterpreting.. they just haven't been clear in their offering.. and that's being polite. *winge moan grizzle*
it's ok to make a mistake.. just wish they'd see my point of view & not come back with 'you're being dramatic.. i don't see the problem'.. that just incensed me no end.


posted 2013-Aug-15, 3pm AEST

User #77347 5703 posts


Whirlpool Forums Addict

Probably bottom rank support person who doesn't understand the problem. Try escalating the ticket.


posted 2013-Aug-15, 5pm AEST

User #546155 3 posts


I'm new here, please be nice

Yeah I started on web chat with them, then called (thinking the web-chat pleb doesn't know enough), then followed up with emails.. back and forth.. several escalations.. after spending half a day on it I couldn't afford to waste any more time on it.. kept getting the same answer & 'I don't see what the problem is' and being told I was being dramatic.. gave up.. moved the whole site to AussieHQ & had it all running there within an hour.
Kind of got the attitude like 'dont you know you can't run asp and php on the one server, one is windows and one is linux'.. yeah I know that, but I'm also used to hosting companies that run windows servers with PHP as well.. it's not that hard.. Netregistry claim it would compromise their security (I guess they don't know how to do it properly, these other hosting companies have been around for many years and manage to provide it).
Whatevs.. so over it.. I hope Netregistry give a refund or I'm out of pocket which would be a double slap in the face really & I hope they update their plan comparison page to clarify so others don't fall in that trap.
FYI not my first run-in with Netregistry – I had a client who hosted with them and their site was slow as a dog.. when we asked their support staff to look into it they said the site coding was inefficient .. bull*it.. moved their site to aussiehq and it ran like a dream.


posted 2013-Aug-16, 9am AEST

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