Wednesday they hadpardelas and

2013 年 8 月 7 日4550 Wednesday they hadpardelas and

Au 07,2013 - by RTRT

ant Mozer, ofthe United States navy.

Had the coast of Asia been, indeed, as near as Toscanelli andColumbus supposed, this latitude of the Canary islands would have beenquite near the mouth of the Yang-tse-Kiang river, in China, which waswhat Columbus was seeking. For nearly a generation afterwards he and his followers supposed that the coast of that region was what they had found.

It was on Saturday, the eighth of September, that they lost sight ofTeneriffe. On the e cheap louboutins leventh they saw a large piece of the mast of a shipafloat. On the fourteenth they saw a “tropic-bird,” which the sailorsthought was never seen more than twenty-five leagues from land; but itmust be remembered, that, outside of the Mediterranean, few of the christian louboutin shoe sale sailorshad ever been farther themselves. On the sixteenth they began to meet”large patches of weeds, very green, which appeared to have been recentlywashed away from land.” This was their first knowledge of the “Sargassosea,” a curious tract in mid-Atlantic which is always green with floatingseaweeds. “The continent we shall find farther on,” wrote the confidentAdmiral.

An observation of the sun on the seventeenth proved what had beensuspected before, that the needles of the compasses were not pointingprecisely to the north. The variation of the needle, since tha christian louboutin wedding shoes t time, hasbeen a recogn ized fact. But this observation at so critical a time firstdisclosed it. The crew were naturally alarmed. Here was evidence that, inthe great ocean, common laws were not to be relied upon. But they hadgreat respect for Columbus’s knowledge of such subjects. He told themthat it was not the north which had changed, nor the needle, which wastrue to the north, b christian louboutin black ut the polar star revolved, like other stars, and for thetime they were satisfied.

The same day they saw weeds which he was sure were land weeds.

From them he took a living crab, whose unintentional voyage eastwardwas a great encouragement to the bolder adventurer westward. Columbuskept the crab, saying that such were never found eighty leagues from land.

In fact this poor crab was at least nine hundred and seventy leagues fromthe Bah cheap christian louboutin amas, as this same journal proves. On the eighteenth the Pinta ranahead of the other vessels, Martin Alonso was so sure that he should reachland that night. But it was not to come so soon.

Columbus every day announced to his crew a less distance as theresult of the day than they h christian louboutin ad really sailed. For he was afraid of theirdistrust, and did not dare let them know how far they were from home.

The private journal, therefore, has such entries as this, “Sailed more than fifty-five leagues, wrote down only forty-eight.” That is, he wrote on thedaily log, which was open to inspection, a distance some leagues less thanthey had really made.

On the twentieth pelicans are spoken of, on the twenty-first “suchabundance of weeds that the ocean seemed covered with them,” “the seasmooth as a river, and the finest air in the wo christian louboutin bridal rld. Saw a whale, anindication of land, as they always keep near the coast.” christian louboutin sale To later times, thisnote, also, shows how ignorant Columbus then was of mid-ocean.

On the twenty-second, to the Admiral’s relief, there was a head wind;for the crew began to think that with perpetual east winds they wouldnever return to Spain. They had been in what are known as the trade winds.

On the twenty-third the smoother water gave place to a rough sea, and hewrites that this “was favorable to me, a christian louboutin outlet s it happened formerly to Moseswhen he led the Jews from Egypt.”The next day, thanks to the headwinds, their progress was less. On thetwenty-fifth, Pinzon, of the Pinta, felt sure that they were near the outerislands of Asia as they appeared on the Toscanelli map, and at sunsetcalled out with joy that he saw land, claiming a reward for s jimmy choo uch news. Thecrews of both vessels sang “Glory to God in the highest,” and the crew ofthe little Nina were sure that the bank was land. On this occasion theychanged from a western course to the southwest. But alas! the land was afog-bank and the reward never came to Martin Pinzon. On the twenty-sixth, again “the sea was like a river.” This was Wednesday. In three daysthey sailed sixty-nine leagues. Saturday was calm. They saw a bird called”Ra christian louboutin boots bihorcado,” which never alights at sea, nor g christian louboutin uk oes twenty leagues fromland,” wrote the confident Columbus; “Nothing is wanting but the singingof the nightingale,” he says.

Sunday, the thirtieth, brought “tropic-birds” again, “a very clear sign ofland.” Monday the journal shows them seven hundred and seven leaguesfrom Ferro. Tuesday a white gull was the only visitor. Wednesday they hadpardelas and


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