ASP Adequate Security Preparation or Adequate Service Preparation Complaint 263672

2013 年 8 月 2 日4900

I submitted my resume to a Job listing online that said it was hiring for Lobby/Front Desk position at "ASP". A fast-talking young woman named 'Lily' called me the following day asking if I was over 18..etc, and said she wanted to set up an appointment.

..'Lily' was very vague about the actual job position,but stated that I would be asked for an $80 fee to get a 8hr & 16hr 'training' that was a pre-requisite to getting the job. During the conversation when I asked certain questions, she either didn't seem prepared or willing to answer, and when she did,her answers were troubling.

..When I asked her how long her company had been in business, she said 3 years..which is not a long time. When I asked if they offer 401k and Dental/Medical benefits, she said yes, but that it would be discussed only after I got the position.

..When I asked what the letters 'A.S.P.' stood for, she couldn't tell me. She vaguely stated that it was probably the name of the founder or something..(?). She did give me the website,, but when I went there, I found more troubling facts.

..First of all, the letters "ASP" didn't stand for what she told me they did..and shouldn't she know the name of the company she works for? Secondly, when I called the number on the website, an automated voice said it had been disconnected..(?). Wouldn't a reputable company have an updated number for their business???

..Lily gave me what she said was her 'cell number', which was 347 569-9955, so I called her back to ask about these things. When I told her my concerns, she put me on hold for 5-10minutes. When I called back, and automated system said that her 'voicemail is not set up', so I couldn't leave a message.

This company is obviously a scam, but I'm concerned that others will go the extra mile of going to an 'interview' with them, and then giving them the $80 Lily asked me for to attend a training that may never be used, as they apparently have no job waiting!

..The 'job' in the lobby/Front Desk seemed a clever way to draw unsuspecting job-hunters in order to scam them out of their money! Their address and name is eerily similar to other businesses reported on '' who said they had the same experience with this disreputable company. My question is, howww are they able to KEEP SCAMMING PEOPLE???

..Their current location is at 248 West 49th street, between broadway/8th, suite 701 on the 7th floor..


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