
2013 年 6 月 25 日5200


2010-9-20 11:24:40 编辑:软媒 - vivi 人气:次 】







  To understand how this vulnerability works, you need to know about cryptographic oracles. An oracle in the context of cryptography is a system which provides hints as you ask it questions. In this case, there is a vulnerability in ASP.NET which acts as a padding oracle. This allows an attacker to send cipher text to the web server and learn if it was decrypted properly by examining which error code was returned by the web server. By making many such requests (and watching what errors are returned) the attacker can learn enough to successfully decrypt the rest of the cipher text.

  大致意思是关于 cryptographic oracle. 黑客通过不断重复发送信息,检测返回的错误信息,然后了解加密算法,最后实现攻击。可是这段话还是没有明白,于是继续搜索:



  they can repeatedly modify an ASP.NET Forms Authentication cookie encrypted using AES and, by examining the errors returned, determine the Machine Key used to encrypt the cookie. The process is claimed to be 100 percent reliable and takes between 30 and 50 minutes for any site.

  2个研究员发现,通过一个工具,能够 修改被AES加密过的 ASP.NET窗体验证cookie;然后检查返回错误信息;获取Machine Key。这个过程100%成功而且只需要30分钟。

  Once the Machine Key is determined, attackers can create bogus forms authentication cookies. If site designers have chosen the option to embed role information in the security cookie, then attackers could arbitrarily assign themselves to administrator roles. This exposure also affects other membership provider features, spoofing protection on the ViewState, and encrypted information that might be stored in cookies or otherwise be made available at the client.

  一旦machine key被破解出来了,黑客就能够模拟出验证 cookie。如果网站设计者启动了选项,让安全信息放入 security cookie,那么攻击者就能够获取了 管理员权限。 包含的影响范围包括:membership provider, viewstate, 保存在security cookie里面的所有信息。

  While the exposure is both wide and immediate, the fix is simple. The hack exploits a bug in .NET's implementation of AES encryption. The solution is to switch to one of the other encryption mechanisms -- to 3DES, for instance. Since encryption for the membership and roles providers is handled by ASP.NET, no modification of existing code should be required for Forms Authentication.





security cookie, ASP.NET Forms Authentication cookie, Machine Key,role information in the security cookie.



  攻击方式:padded oracle attack




Before worrying too much, go to http://http://www.zjjv.com///events/woot10/tech/full_papers/Rizzo.pdf and read the original paper from Rizzo and Duong (May 25th, 2010). The "padded oracle attack" relies on a chaining block cypher (common) but also requires the "oracle". As some have correctly pointed out above, we need to have ASP.NET (or Java since this is not unique to .NET) return the padding error exception. Without that information, the exploit doesn't work. By default, this exception information is not reported by ASP.NET and this is configurable behavior for Java. If you go to the aforementioned link, I think you'll find more interesting reading related to cracking CAPTCHA using this exploit. However, that too requires cooperation from the web site. It's great learning about exploits and even a little fun but the media sure scares a lot of people (and scares up a lot of clicks) by providing this hyperbole. One guy above said he was happy he used Java. Read the PDF above and you will find Rizzo and Duong found the problem with Java (JSF but also Ruby on Rails) and then turned to see if the same exploit would work with ASP.NET. Technically, it is an exploit but if it doesn't happen with properly configured servers (or the default ASP.NET configuration), it's much ado about nothing.


窗体验证:Asp.net Form Authentication:



  这次受影响的,主要是因为启动了asp.net的权限框架,就是这个所谓的窗体验证。 这个窗体验证的原理在上面的连接给出了。




  问题在于如果用户使用了微软提供的窗体验证框架,就会出现安全漏洞,被黑客破解了保存安全信息的算法(machine key), 然后获取了管理员权限,下载服务器的文件。





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