ASP tutorial for beginners and free scripts

2013 年 5 月 11 日9250

Active Server Pages tutorial for beginners

What are Active Server Pages?

Displaying Date, Time and Text

Using Variables and Forms

If...Then and For...Next instructions

Do...Loop and Select...Case instructions

Subroutines and Include/virtual

Session and Application methods

Dictionary Object


Open Read and Create files

Introduction to Global.asa

Using Arrays

Displaying pictures from an ASP file

Active Server Pages Server-Side Scripting Programmer s Reference

Free ready to use ASP scripts

Our server may allow us to use ASP only in the "cgi-bin" directory or in all the site.

Depending on this fact we may need to change the path to the files we are manipulating.

Here, we will consider an ASP web hosting server which allows using ASP in the entire site.

Get remote URL

- A tutorial to learn how to get access to content of remote sites. Two copy and paste examples are also available:

keywords from remote URL and

Google search in your site.

Search files

- You may search for specific files, within folders, or both. Updated copy and paste script.

Request info and save it to a file

- Ask your visitor to fill in a form and save it to a file. This script may be use with any form. Copy and Paste.

ASP counter

- A simple counter. It will save the result to a file. Copy and Paste.

Guestbook / Message board

- Get messages from visitors and show them inmediately online. Copy and Paste.

Form to mail

- Easy to use. Three examples for different porpoises (Bamboo.SMTP).

Mailing list subscription/unsubscription script

- After entering email a message with a verification url will be send. Then email will be recorded.

Free For All Link Page

- Start your own FFA with as many categories as you want.

Active Users counter

- This script allows to know how many clients are visiting your site and to show it in your pages.


QR code generator

Add a Favicon.ico to Your Site

More at All rights reserved. Privacy policy

Sort Scripts

Get local time

List files within folder

List subfolders within folder

Create/Delete folders

Get file/folder info

DateLastModified, DateLastAccessed,

DateCreated, Drive, Name, ParentFolder,

Path, ShortName, ShortPath, Size, Type,


Reading a file

Read, ReadLine, ReadAll, Skip, SkipLine,

Column, Line, AtEndOfLine, AtEndOfStream

Sort arrays

Generate randon number

Create a Column Graph

Is it an email?

JMail.SMTP Mail component

Get keywords from text

Remove non-alphanumeric

Simple ad rotator

Hide meta tags

Language specific response

GET and POST methods

Request.form, Request.querystring

Add time period to date

dateAdd, Date,Year, Month,

MonthName, Day, WeekDay

Compare dates


Compare strings

InStr, StrComp

Manipulation of Strings

InStr, LCase, Left, Len, LenB, LTring, Mid,

Replace, Right, RTrim, Space, String,

StrReverse, Trim, UCase


non-html files with ASP



related information



^, *, /, \, +, -, parenthesis

Comparison operators

=, <>, >, >=, <, <=

Logical operators

And, Or, Xor, Eqv, Imp, Not

Math functions

Abs, Atn, Cos, Exp, Fix, Hex, Int, Log,

Oct, Round, Sgn, Sin, Sqr, Tan

MSWC.AdRotator component

MSWC.ContentRotator component

Persits Upload component

Free Web Storage

save up to 50 GB online.

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