ASP: Publications

2012 年 9 月 16 日8020


ASP publishes regular/periodic publications which can be purchased
by subscription or in some cases through our online store the AstroShop.
Other recently published astronomy books are featured in our Books
of Note section. This section below features links about working
with the ASP to publish or receive the publications.


Conference Series Volume

Conference Series

ASP is a leading publisher of conference proceedings on recent
developments in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Conference Series
volumes provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research
in a particular field of astronomy. Information about the
ASP Conference Series with lists of volumes and forthcoming
volumes can be found here.

Institutional Subscriptions

Electronic access is availablefor all Conference Series
titles & individual articles.Browse the e-Book
Access site to see book contents and article abstracts
and to get quick and easy access to specific titles.

Monograph Publication

Monograph Publications

ASP occasionally publishes select stand-alone titles which
enhance appreciation and awareness of astronomy. These will
be valuable resources for professional astronomers, but some
may also be of interest to graduate students, educators, and
amateur astronomers.

This page includes a current list of the ASP Monograph Publications,
ordering information, and contact information for those interested
in publishing an ASP Monograph.

IAU Volume

Publications: Symposia, Highlights, and Transactions

IAUSymposia is a series of books describing the
scientific proceedings of Symposia sponsored by the International
Astronomical Union (IAU).

IAU Highlights record the proceedings of most of the
scientific events held at the IAU General Assembly.

IAU Transactions are reports on astronomy and transactions
of IAU meetings which are unique in presenting a complete,
authoritative, yet compact review of scientific progress in
all branches of astronomy.



of the ASP (PASP)

PASP is the technical journal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP), publishingrefereed papers on astronomical research covering all wavelengths and distance scales as well as papers on the latest innovations in astronomical instrumentation and software. PASP is distributed by the Journals Division of the University of Chicago Press (UCP) to individuals with Technical Membershipin the ASP orto Institutionswith subscriptionsthrough UCP/JSTOR.

ASP Technical Members can access Current Content and Back Issues on the PASP web site by logging in here.

Information and Paper Submissions
are located on the PASP
website. (Clicking on this link will take you to the
PASP web site -- a new browser window will open.)

Institutional Subscriptions
are available from The
University of Chicago Press/JSTOR. (Clicking on this link
will take you to the JSTOR web site -- a new browser window
will open.)

Technical and Individual Memberships and Institutional
Mercury Subscriptions
are available from the
Astronomical Society of the Pacific.

Order Back Issues of PASP


Mercury Magazine


is the quarterly membership magazine of the Astronomical Society
of the Pacific. Mercury is now digital only and
accessible to members and subscribers.
It will continue
to cover an eclectic range of topics, from the latest science
developments to history, education, observing, archaeoastronomy,
and culture. Most Mercury articles are written by leading
experts in their respective fields.


Universe in the Classroom

Universe in the Classroom

Universe in the Classroom is an electronic publication
for teachers and other educators who want to help students
of all ages learn more about science, astronomy and the universe.
Designed for teachers who have some interest in astronomy,
but not much knowledge of it, each issue of the Universe in
the Classroom contains information on a topic of current astronomical
interest, classroom activities to make the topic come alive
for students and resource links to take you deeper into the
subject. On the website, you can read the latest issue, sign
up to receive updates of our quarterly issues or mine the
riches of our online archives.

E-mail Newsletters

Astronomical Society of the Pacific offers several e-mail
newsletters on a variety of topics, including ASP news and
events, AstroShop products, and Conference Series updates.
Sign up for one or more newsletters

Features (ASP Members Only)

Astronomy Beat


ASP Membership Benefit

Beat is a twice-monthly, on-line column written by "insiders"
from the worlds of astronomy research and outreach.

you are an ASP member and have forgotten your username or
password for accessing Astronomy Beat, you may retrieve that
information automatically. Simply go to
and enter
the email address associated with your membership account.
Your username and password will be emailed to you instantly.
If you do not have an email address associated with your membership
account, please contact the Membership Department at 415-715-1405 or email: membership {at}

Download the following sample Astronomy Beat columns FREE to see what the series is like:

Case Against Defining "Planet"
(PDF, 480
KB)by David Morrison (NASA Ames Research Center)

on the link above to view the pdf, or right-click (PC)/control-click
(Mac) the link to download the file to your computer.

The Discovery of Pluto: Generally Unknown Aspects of the Story
by Clyde Tombaugh (1906–1997)

Doomsday 2012, the Planet Nibiru, and Cosmophobia
by David Morrison (NASA Ames & SETI Institute)

Comet Elenin: Cosmic Threat or Celestial Visitor
by David Morrison (NASA Ames & SETI Institute)

The Origins of the Drake Equation
by Frank Drake and Dava Sobel

The White House Star Party
by Steve Pompea and Dara Norman (NOAO)

on the link above to view the pdf, or right-click (PC)/control-click
(Mac) the link to download the file to your computer.

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Astronomical Society of the Pacific

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