ASP Summary

2013 年 4 月 7 日6800

You Have Learned ASP, Now What?

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ASP Summary

This tutorial has taught you how to add server-side scripts to your web site, to make

your web site more dynamic and interactive.

You have learned how to dynamically edit, change or add any content of a web

page, respond to data submitted from HTML forms, access any data or databases

and return the results to a browser, customize a web page to make it more useful

for individual users.

For more information on ASP, please look at our

ASP examples.

Now You Know ASP, What's Next?

The next step is to learn SQL and ADO.


SQL is a standard computer language for accessing and manipulating database


SQL statements are used to retrieve and update data in a database. SQL works

with database programs like MS Access, DB2, Informix, MS SQL Server, Oracle,

Sybase, and other database systems.

If you want to learn more about SQL, please

visit our SQL tutorial.


ADO is a programming interface to access data in a database from a web site.

ADO uses SQL to query data in a database.

If you want to learn more about ADO, please

visit our ADO tutorial.

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The HTML Certificate documents your knowledge of HTML.

The HTML5 Certificate documents your knowledge of advanced HTML5.

The CSS Certificate documents your knowledge of advanced CSS.

The JavaScript Certificate documents your knowledge of JavaScript and HTML DOM.

The jQuery Certificate documents your knowledge of jQuery.

The XML Certificate documents your knowledge of XML, XML DOM and XSLT.

The ASP Certificate documents your knowledge of ASP, SQL, and ADO.

The PHP Certificate documents your knowledge of PHP and SQL (MySQL).

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