FlyBase Gene Report: Dmelasp

2013 年 1 月 8 日5670

The gene abnormal spindle is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel\asp (CG6875, FBgn0000140). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. There is experimental evidence that it has the molecular function: microtubule binding; myosin light chain binding. There is experimental evidence for 14 unique biological process terms, many of which group under: cellular component organization or biogenesis; cellular process involved in reproduction; cell cycle; multicellular organismal reproductive process; organelle organization; anatomical structure development; cell cycle process; localization; cellular component organization or biogenesis at cellular level; multicellular organism reproduction. 24 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles are annotated with: organ system; multicellular structure; cytoplasmic part; female germline cyst; organelle; anatomical structure; organ system subdivision; intracellular organelle part; somatic stem cell; germarium; sensillum; cell cycle; spermatocyte; imaginal precursor; external compound sense organ; adult segment. It has one annotated transcript and one annotated polypeptide. Protein features are: Calponin homology domain; IQ motif, EF-hand binding site. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages. Summary of FlyAtlas Anatomical Expression Data: Expression at moderate levels in the following post-embryonic organs or tissues: larval central nervous system, adult ovary, adult testis. Comments on Affy2 ProbeSet: ProbeSet 1627383_at completely aligns to an exonic region of the only FlyBase-annotated transcript isoform of asp. Gene sequence location is 3R:20579625..20586235.

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