ICASP12 (Probabilistic Conference in Vancouver in 2015)
The12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP12) was held in Vancouver on July 12-15, 2015.The ICASP conferences are organized every four years under the auspices of the Civil Engineering Risk and Reliability Association, CERRA. The next conference, ICASP13, will take place in Seoul, Korea in 2019.The collection of ICASP12 papers are published in cIRcle, the Digital Repository of the University of British Columbia, with these particulars:
All conference papers are freely available online
All abstracts and papers were peer-reviewed
Each paper resides at a permanent URL online with a unique DOI
The ISBN number for the ICASP12 collection is 978-0-88865-245-4
Up-to-date statistics show how many people read each paper
Authors retained the copyrightof their papers
There was nobrick book to carry home after the conference
All papers are indexed in Google Scholar
All papers are submitted to databases like Compendex and Scopus
Delegates were given a 4GB USB memory stick preloaded with the conference papers
Professor Terje Haukaas (terje@civil.ubc.ca)
Chair of ICASP12 and Editor of the ICASP12 paper collection
P.S.The image of Vancouver at the top of thispage is providedby Chris Collacott. Through his website www.avision.ca he offers many beautiful pictures of Vancouver.